During most winters, I keep a rough count of the frosty nights. But this year it’s more a case of counting the frost free nights. We had one this week, and I can’t remember when we had one before that, it was so long ago. Last night was -6C and tonight is forecast -5C. The big pond has a decent coat of ice every morning and there is no sign at all of frogspawn.

With lots of new bare root plants here being potted up, watering is a trial. The pipes are frozen in the morning, as are the pots – even those in the polytunnels. But the warm sunshine takes tunnel temps up to about 18C in mid afternoon, putting stress on plants in dry compost.But if I water, I risk freezing the roots overnight. So I’m trying to water only those that seem really dry, as soon as the pipes defrost and hoping surplus water has run out by the time it gets dark.

Still, the days have been beautiful – I’ve been gardening in a t-shirt twice this week – and the first clutches of Cream Beauty crocuses are tentatively opening in the icy sunshine.

And the bright sunshine means that our rooftop ‘hot-bath-making-machine’ is working a treat. I’m recording the stats daily now – on a typical sunny, cold day (max temp outside 6C), the panel reaches 75C and heats a tank of water to 60C, justifying a much needed hot bath.

Anyway, I’ve had enough of talking about the cold, and I’m sure you have too. So, no more. It’s plants and flowers all the way to summer now. I hope.