Two days to go till the Gardener of the Decade is broadcast – BBC2 Friday at 8pm. What can I tell you in advance? I can tell you this much:

Nine former GOTY winners were invited to participate – 5 accepted: me (2006), Bob (2007), Edwin (2002), Diana (2004) and Kathy (1999). In the stunning setting of the Eden Project, we were set five 20 point gardening challenges over two days. After three challenges, one of us was eliminated. After two more challenges one more was eliminated leaving three to undertake the final 100 point border design challenge.

OK, so it’s not X-Factor or Strictly, but I think there will be enough drama to get your pulse up a little.

So, with nothing more to say on the topic until the weekend, I’ll leave you with this shot of us all nervously awaiting our fate. From left to right, Me, Bob, Kathy, Diana and Edwin.

While the five of us were being put through the mill, Dave and Holly went for a wander around on their own and discovered The Seed.