For those of you who know me from my former working life, may I proudly present my new office. It is spacious, if a little spartan, and has the benefit of continuous fresh air ventilation. The horizontal hail is an optional extra. It’s actually the sales hut, but it will double up as an outside office.

Today was manic. The JCB arrived first thing, complete with charismatic driver, Norman and 20 tons of motorway planings. Amazing how accurate that machine can be in the right hands – he could stroke a cat with it. Anyway, we now have a flat, firm parking area which I will finish with a fine coat of soil and grass seed. It’ll be green again in no time.

That would have been fine, but while he was turning into the drive a delivery of 1000 baby plants arrived. Delivery on a Monday means they’ve been on the road since Friday, so they are desperate for potting up. I think I managed about 400 by close of play.