Sunday 4th May is our spring NGS opening day. What to expect? We had 150 visitors last year, this year we are one of only two gardens in Cheshire open on that day, the forecast is warm, it’s a bank holiday weekend… Your guess is as good as mine. In some ways I hope it’s not too busy as most of the meadow is far too wet to park on.

The gardens are looking really good now – all spick and span and neatly edged, mostly thanks to Peter and a relentless fortnight of edging and weeding. I’ve finally found a home in the garden for the Meconopsis and Trilliums and have planted up the cottage vegetable garden. I also spent a happy hour or so sowing beans in pots at the weekend and am especially taken with these ‘Yin Yang’ beans from South America. Aren’t they fabulous?

Talking of counting beans, with warmer weather the nursery is busy at last and it’s great to see people appreciating all the improvements we’ve made and snapping up our wonderful new plant stock. It feels as though summer is on its way.

One more picture for you – Exorchorda x macrantha ‘The Bride’ in full flower. It really is a glorious sight.