The new 2011 plant list is on the website! Click here to find it. I can’t guarantee we’ll have everything in, all of the time – it is my entire forecast list for 2011. So do email me or phone first to check if you want a specific plant.

I’m glad I’ve got this job out of the way, it takes ages cross-checking all the plant names against the latest correct list. Two major name changes to point out:
– Schizostylis becomes Hesperantha. This one’s OK, I quite like the new name and will get used to it
– Dicentra spectabilis becomes Lamprocapnos spectabilis. This one is horrible – a cludgy word, made more complicated by the fact that some plants stay in Dicentra, though not this best known one, the common Bleeding Heart.
Finishing the list leaves me a bit freer to get on with the book, although with the weather improving it feels as if I should be making serious progress outside – our first huge delivery of plants arrives in a month and we aren’t ready. And the talks season starts tomorrow.