Today’s photography workshops by Andrew Williamsgave me a rare excuse to get my camera out and tag along. Needless to say I not only came away with some very good tips on technique, but a ‘wish list’ of kit. Top of the list is a Benbo tripod – it made me slow down as well as take better pictures.

Some of these I took today, others are from yesterday morning.
Tulipa sprengeri – there is a gorgeous clump in the top bed.

Petasites japonica. The near circular leaves are just fantastic. It’s easy to control – you just tug out leaves you don’t want, just like a rhubarb.

These double red oriental poppies look stunning against the silvery seedheads of the Pulsatillas. I liked this composition too – the falling slope of red…

And finally for now, the Nectaroscordum. The buds are almost as intriguing as the open flower heads.