Last summer, despite all the rain, the biggest headache in the nursery was keeping plants properly watered. The problem was that the entire nursery was gravelled, meaning that water either slipped straight through or was trapped in the pot for lack of capillary contact to draw it out. So a top priority is to get the plants off the gravel and onto membrane. But the gravel does at least have the advantage that it doesn’t get slippery so it’s safer for customers to walk on.

So, here’s the solution – the will plants go on the membrane while the customers can stay on the the gravel. I’ll also put windbreak fabric across the wooden frame to cut down the wind. Hopefully the end result will be happier, healthier plants and a more interesting plant display as well.

There’s very little in flower in this garden in winter. I think this is probably because the original owners always went away in November so didn’t focus on winter colour especially. There are plenty of evergreens including a striking variegated x Fatshedera lizei, but few flowers.

But buried among the emerging Primula leaves is this little gem – Petasites paradoxus. This photo does the flowers too much credit really, but the plant is worth it for it’s fabulous silvery leaves which last all summer.

The hellebores are looking fantastic too, but they need a new home. Crammed inside a box hedged bed, I can’t get close enough and low down enough to really appreciate the colours. We’re going to move them to a curving border under a larch to give them the chance to show off properly.