With my parents up for a long weekend and friends from college here today we’ve made great progress. Dad as good as fixed two lawnmowers, the garden gate and two wheelbarrows. Mum weeded about a hundred Penstemons and cleared the path borders to the house. Today, my college friends tackled the fiddly garden area around the pond. There is still so much to do, but last year’s debris is slowly vanishing. I don’t have much doubt that it will be OK for the NGS open day. Now it’s time to worry about catering, parking etc.

Even Dave helped out – he couldn’t resist the invitation to try out his new waders.

The warmth has brought on some fresh spring growth and very pretty it is too. this is Viburnum burkwoodii. The scent is just heavenly.

I think this is a Cornus, probably controversa var variegata, but I need to check.

The pale leaves and flowers look gorgeous against the red stems as the buds start to open

There are some very unusual Narcissi in the garden too – this one is like nothing I’ve ever seen before.

And this one is just lovely. I hope there’s a plant list somewhere…