The autumnal equinox slipped by a week ago: the days are now shorter than the nights and the sun’s arc is a little lower every day. It is officially autumn. But perversely we’re enjoying the best spell of weather I can remember this year. Clear, soft blue skies, sunshine warm enough for bare arms, no breeze and no rain for a week.

The fine weather has given the butterflies an opportunity for a nectar-drinking frenzy before the weather turns cold. This week I’ve seen Commas, Meadow Browns, Red Admirals, Peacocks and Painted Ladies – Echinacea ‘Ruby Giant’ seems a particular favourite of Commas.

Tomorrow evening I will close the nursery and garden for the winter. Last year it seemed right to close now: the weather had turned and visitors were scarce. But this week has been surprisingly busy and it almost feels mean to shut the doors when there is still so much colour and the weather is so good. But I’ll not be idle. I’ve a raft of talks booked and projects planned over winter. And we’re having half the house re-structured in a months time. So I might just have a couple of days off next week before I tackle the winter ‘to-do’ list.