The garden has temporarily slipped down my attention list as the country awaits Nick Clegg’s decision. I wouldn’t be in his shoes today.

He’ll be damned by most of his own party (who may not back the move anyway given their triple lock controls on policy change) if he does the arithmetically rational thing and settles in with the Tories to form a majority government.

He’ll be damned by the electorate if he pitches into a more natural coalition with Labour and forms a minority goverment of all the losers.

And he’ll be damned by history if he passes up this opportunity to secure a step toward PR by pitching in with neither and leaving the Tories to form a minority government in such troubled economic times.

What would I do? I would hold my nose and step in with the Tories, hoping to demonstrate that coalitions can work in the national interest, and thus demonstrate the potential benefits of PR when the referendum comes around.

Poor bloke – no wonder he looks a bit pale.