Yesterday was my parents’ golden wedding anniversary and we travelled south to Sussex for the weekend. 50 years ago, they woke up on the morning of their wedding to an unexpected 4″ of snow in South London. 50 years later, April brought them snow again, thankfully one day late as some of the guests might have missed the celebrations otherwise! And here’s proof. The first picture was taken at 8am from our hotel balcony on Eastbourne seafront this morning – and the next one less than two hours later.

With heavy flakes settling beautifully, my parents’ front garden was soon adorned with a very fine snowman indeed, created by our resident snow queen Holly with help from Hazel and Dave. Somehow it felt right to leave a snowy golden wedding present in the garden…

Meanwhile, back in the north west, the snow had fallen the previous night, leaving the nursery and garden decked out in white in the spring sunshine. With thanks to Tracey for the pictures….