After two weeks of glorious sunshine, summer signalled its end with two cold nights – enough for ice on Debbie’s car in south Manchester. We had no frost here – we are closer to the sea and to sea level, but still cold enough for us to bring in the Colocasias and Tulbaghias. They won’t appreciate an early frost. Today was the autumn equinox too – from now until March the days are shorter than the nights.

Preparations for next year are well under way. The hellebores, hemerocallis and irises have been divided, salvia and penstemon cuttings taken and seemingly endless trays of seeds sown. There is no production sophistication here – everything is hand sown and hand potted and probably always will be. Orders are in for bulbs and I’m working on the new plant orders for delivery next spring. Although it’s mostly guesswork, it does feel good to finally be in control of our own stock for next year.

Debbie and I are busy planning the planting of the two new beds in the top lawn area and I have a couple of design projects under way too, so we will be kept busy. I have a couple of winter speaking engagements too – very scary!

I may have shown some of my visitors the propagation greenhouse which was full of dead cuttings and near dead succulents. I’m pleased to say it is more or less back to full operation – the odd leak needs fixing and some of the fittings are more than a bit botched but it’s otherwise fine.