Dave and I spent this weekend at Arley Garden Festival, running our first proper nursery plant stall. Miraculously we escaped the downpours which slid past us all day and we achieved what we set out to do which was to talk to anyone and everyone. Dave is a natural, chatting about the nursery to all and sundry and happily sharing advice on overwintering Salvia patens like a pro.

But with Arley over, Tatton is now firmly in my sights. For the next fortnight I will do little else except work, think and dream Tatton. I can safely predict that I will be a pain to live and work with: distracted, inattentive, forgetful and short-tempered, so I apologise in advance to family and colleagues. But it is time to knuckle down. My aim for tomorrow is to finally figure out how to create the circular seat and planter under the fig tree. Thinking gets me so far but I the final figuring out will be done by experimentation with a drill, jigsaw and a several sheets of plywood. It’s just as well the nursery is closed tomorrow – I am a messy, noisy person when I’m thinking…

By the way, I have a Tatton blog on the RHS website – you might notice some cross-over in the postings, but the other one is just for Tatton Show – here’s the link:
Link to Tatton Show blog