I mentioned on an earlier thread that Bob Tridgett and I are creating a back to back show garden for RHS Tatton Show. Today was day 4 of the build and (with fingers firmly crossed), so far, so good. The backdrop is up, the paving is laid and we delivered the main structural plants to site today. Paul Conreen’s team from Warrington Builders have done a magnificent job and it’s now over to us for planting.

Hopefully the backdrop will be sufficiently convincing as a part of a old timber framed, rendered building though at the end of day one it did look oddly reminiscent of an assembly of scaffolding planks and plywood….

On Tuesday, we stood entranced for a few moments, watching Gary transform the walls with his renderer’s trowel into something resembling a building…

And today the garden began to take more shape with the arrival of some key plants. The path is covered with boards and the gazebo is temporary – hopefully all the coverings will come off tomorrow and we can get on with the real business of planting.

Finally, folks, we are scheduled for broadcast on the Tatton show programme at 8.30 on BBC2 next Thursday 24th July, so do look out for us.