So much for the mild, dry weather promised by the forecasters. This week has been persisently drizzly, cool and unencouraging to visitors and plant buyers alike. Still, an invitation to attend the Hardy Plant Society’s Autumn convention at Keele lent a cheery note to the week, even if I did end up chilled through and wet. It was good to see some familiar and new faces – gardeners are all such friendly folk. Whoever the thoughtful person was who brought me a cup of tea – thank you.

Another media opportunity has bubbled up from the ether – I’ll be making a guest appearance on Radio Merseyside tomorrow morning at about 8.40 with Alan Ball. By the time you read this my intervew will be done and dusted no doubt, but there might be more – I’ll keep you posted.

Our good friend Tony came to stay at the weekend and he took a pile of fabulous photos in the garden. There are a lot of them – but such superb quality. Now would that be down to Tony’s high spec. camera or the sheer skill of the photographer? ;-).
Link to Tony’s garden photos