That’s probably the toughest day I’ve had in my short show gardening career. There were up to 8 of us on site today, painstakingly bringing the garden to completion. We worked till the sun went down, planting, making benches, scrubbing, mulching, edging, painting and tweaking to the end – and we still haven’t finished. Back on site at 7am to polish it up, position furniture, dress it up a bit and clear around the site.

Why did we finish so late? Well the main answer is that we took on a double back to back – 48 sq m, but only had 8 days like the other back to backs. The show gardens get 15 days and some are no bigger than ours. So we were always up against it before the rain delays.

Anyway – it does look fantastic – the colours are lovely and planting glowed in the evening light before we left. Whether it will look so good in the rain tomorrow morning for judging is another matter…