Apart from a dry spell this morning it’s been raining for more than 24 hours onto ground already wet from rain earlier in the week. It’s still raining – harder than ever now. This really isn’t what we need when we’re building a show garden. It’s hard going to finish the hard landscaping – pointing is impossible in the wet – and we’re trying to keep plants clean and flowers upright on plants weighed down with water. It’s demoralising and depressing after so much preparation and planning to be dealing with an increasingly muddy plot. And there’s no end in sight with rain forecast for the next three days. There’s nothing anyone can do – we just have to hope it’s not as bad as the forecast and get on with it anyway. It’s like 2007 all over again.

What’s really frustrating is that the garden is beginning to look great. The colours are lovely, the plants look big and healthy and the shape of the hard landscaping is just wonderful. We just have to put it all together somehow, despite the weather.