I was wrong, the bluebells were late. They are usually out by the 25th April, but I think last week’s cold spell slowed them down.

Anyway, late or not, they are well on their way out now and will look fantastic for the next two weeks. We’re open all this weekend including Bank Holiday Monday. If you are coming to visit us do wear sturdy footwear as the forecast rain may make the woodland paths a bit muddy.

It’s been a frenetic few days, with 130 visitors turning up for a somewhat rainy NGS open day on Sunday. A huge thank you to Sheila and Gordon who not only came up with a gorgeous array of cakes with just a few days notice, but stayed to run the tea room with style, raising £200 for charity. Well done and thank you to you both.

Yesterday and today I held my favourite events of the year – two propagation workshops. I remember clearly the hunger I once had to get first hand experience of techniques I had only read about. It’s such a pleasure now to be able to share the real reason I love running a nursery, the joy of successful propagation and the continual learning which underpins it. It’s a bit of a squash fitting everyone into our potting shed for the practical session, but we had a great time snipping, separating and seed sowing together, sharing our experiences and swapping tips. The participants all said they enjoy the workshops, but I have the most wonderful time delivering them.

Our lovely Red Hat group visit on Wednesday enjoyed gorgeous spring sunshine, but they outshone the garden in their fabulous red and purple outfits. Thanks Val for bringing your friends – see you at choir soon.

Today’s visitors, Kingsley Garden Club, ignored the rain and turned out in fornce to afternoon to explore the gardens and woods. A very knowledgeable group they are too and one of the best local garden clubs with a thriving membership.