It’s our National Gargen Scheme open day next Sunday and the garden will look lovely. But I’ve left it late to confirm the catering arrangements and our usual charity can’t do it.

So, if you know a group that would like to provide cakes for about 150 visitors next weekend and use the proceeds towards a registered charity, please get in touch! Urgently!!

It’s been a while since I posted a picture of the garden and the cherry tree inspired me. Most of the blossom is now on the lawn, but it still looks pretty whether on the tree or the ground. The tree is a magnet for bumblebees – there’s a mesmeric hum all around it – and the bare soil underneath it is now covered in little hills with a neat hole in the top – some sort of miner bee I guess.

So it’s NGS next weekend, and last weekend we held a very well attended plant fair. The weather was perfect, our superb guest nurseries did well, and it was lovely to see the place abuzz.

Jacqui Brocklehurst’s herbs were especially popular. You might recognise her from Tatton Show. She designs gardens and grows fabulous herbs which we stock at the nursery. You can find Jacqui at

I’ll post contact details for the other nurseries shortly.