Sorry I’ve been a bit of an absentee blogger lately. I could cite the pressure of getting the place ready for opening, the seemingly endless building project in the house, the lack of any exciting pictures to show you. But I spotted the Cardamine quinquefolia in flower and inspiration struck me.

Anyway, the nursery is open for 2009 and very spick and span it looks too. I’ll take some pics for you tomorrow. Still haven’t posted a new plant list on the website yet – I might get round to it, I might not.

I’ve unilaterally christened next week ‘Veg Week’ and have invited all and sundry to come along and talk veg. The local papers have picked it up and I’m expecting a ruck of visitors – I just need to put up the new sales ‘tent’ and hope my seed order turns up in time…. :-)

The ponds are full of frogspawn, the hedges are are froth of white blackthorn blossom and the new veg plot is coming along nicely, thanks to Jools.

We did get a very brief winter holiday in before we opened – a quiet weekend on the lovely Lynn Peninsula. The wild weather kept forays outside brief – but what a place. Here’s the view from the very end, looking out to Bardsey Island. We could see Ireland from the lookout point at the top.

Update on the house – especially for Mum and Dad. The upstairs rooms are mostly in the eaves and there was no insulation between the plasterboard and the slates, except some elderly, disintegrating debris. After much head scratching we decided to take the slates off and slide kingspan between the rafters. It’s worked a treat – so you’ll be nice and warm next time you come to stay!

The endless hammering on the roof as the slate batten and slates are re-installed means we come home to a fresh showering of plaster dust each night. But we are nearing the end. Just the top coat of render to go, flooring in half the ground floor, a few finishing bits and one almightly clear up to do.