We have moved in! The cottage, garden and nursery are finally ours (well, the bank’s really). But despite the best endeavours of the former owners and ourselves, Internet access is off until the weekend. We’re coping with the wireless equivalent of a dial up connection at the moment, hence no postings.

The cottage already feels like home. Strangely, our old furniture seems to fit better into the cottage than it did in our old house. We have food, clothes and beds, but no wardrobes and very limited storage space so we are surrounded by unopened packing cases.

But the garden and nursery won’t wait while we unpack and Derek James was booked to come and help prune the apple trees on Tuesday, so that went ahead of course. Some friends came over to help so we spent a beautiful mild February day pruning the trees, having lunch outside and talking shop. Three of the nursery staff were in as well so there was a great sense of progress. But there is so much more to get done and so little time.