We’ve made a new entrance – quite literally. The way in to the nursery used to be via a side path which took customers invitingly though a muddy run-off puddle in front of one of the polytunnels. The new entrance takes the shortest route from the car-park (well, flattish grassy area) straight into the nursery. It is miles better.

But the change meant turning the sales shed round 180 degrees which Peter and I somehow managed by heaving it round on fence posts, in a gale. We could have picked a better day. When an astonished staff member asked how, he said, ‘I lifted it and she pushed it round like ‘orse ‘. I took this as a compliment, of course. The tea room roof has been re-felted and is ready for a re-fit. We are getting there on the infrastructure – just the plants that seem to be lacking as I’m at least a month too late for most of the wholesale deliveries. I would much prefer to make my own from the huge array of stock plants – if I could find them amonst the couch grass and marestail that is….

We’ve had a steady stream of friends and family visitors in the fortnight since we moved in. Every one of them has simply said how utterly brilliant the place is and how much they’d love to live here. I know. I can’t quite believe it myself.

Pictures to follow very soon when my own PC is on the web.