The first rule of veg growing is that it is impossible not to grow a surplus of runner beans. And they aren’t the most versatile of cooking ingredients. Once you’ve steamed them, or steamed them then sauted with garlic or whatever, you’ve just about exhausted the repetoire. Any better suggestions most welcome – I do like them.

The moon is a perfect disc tonight, led along the night sky by Jupiter, for all the world like a tiny harbour tug pulling a supertanker. The planet is surprisingly bright and white for a thing such a very long way away. The garden looks lovely by moonlight – the white foxgloves glowing eerily against the evergreen hedge. One of the best things of living here is the quiet at night. A distant owl, the quick scuttle of a mouse, the gentle, distant percussion of a night train and that’s about it. And on a warm, sweet night like tonight there’s no better place to be, sat in the near dark, moonlight glistening on the damp grass, bats zipping overhead and just the sound of night creatures for company.