First day of the Tatton Show build today – Isabelle and I are off to check out our site and mark it up ready for the hard landscaping to start tomorrow. We’re all set to go – just need a spell of good weather. We had heavy rain all last night and the forecast for the next four days is rain and more rain, but the forecasters are usually pessimistic. Let’s hope so.

A quick update on the veg plot – last night we had beetroot, yellow courgettes, snap peas and elephant garlic (thanks Jane!). Runners are on their way and we’re still good for potatoes, carrots and salad. I pulled all the onions because a tribe of voles had burrowed their way underneath them and all but dug them up for me. No harm done – they were ready to come up anyway. It really has been a roaring success this year.

Still getting plenty of visitors to the garden, mostly coming for Cathy’s home made cakes I think!